Guildspotlight Interview

A new Guildspotlight is anounced and that means that another commuity is ready to show their cocolate side and also their multilingual Guild. “Reborn Immortals” take this challenge in April and we are very curious to see how immortal the guys and girls really are and what secrets we will learn in the coming weeks. How that will look? Track the next issues and find it out for yourself. The first stage as always is light reading fare, the interview. So immortals show what you have on it!


How did you come across Neverwinter?

This was at the beginning of the beta test phase of Neverwinter. Unsuspecting, we moved one evening through the internet looking for online games. Suddenly we came across neverwinter and thought: ok that could be something, let us try it. Started once, never stopped! Rumpelstilzli: I’m playing neverwinter only since early in 2015 and actually became aware of Neverwinter by Fatalis/Höllenfrosch.

What you like most in Neverwinter?

That it’s relatively easy to play different characters (of course not all on highend-level) therefore one can always try different play styles.

When was your Guild founded?

The Guild Reborn Immortals was founded in Mai 2015.

Describe your Guild! Whats’s your play style? Are there any special rules or restrictions?

Reborn Immortals is a european guild who wants to give all players in Neverwinter a happy guildlife. Since we have not specifically focused on german speaking countries we have a various european mix of people with some exotic birds from other parts of the world. For this reason it’s important to us that all write in English in guildchat. But we have created a german channel too. But we all take the opportunity to improve our English respectively refresh our English by playing. Our guild is focused on PvE and not PvP (even if we sometimes run this too once or twice). In PvE area there is nothing we can’t do in guild. Currently we work hard for our Guild castle. We dont have a many rules in our guild. We expect from our members a friendly tone. This were already all rules. =)

What distinguishes your guild of other guilds?

Starting with the guild name that is almost epic, we stand out in various areas of other guilds . We have a guild website , which is always kept up to date . Most recently, our guild also has a YouTube channel . With KiK chat we have a way for offline comminication about Neverwinter to provide information about patches or just otherwise to answer questions. For us its less important that all members are high-end characters , but rather to have a community where you can play together , running dungeons , support each other and talk in guild chat . Therefore, we also have no minimum requirements for new members ( as a certain Item level , etc. ) , is more important that people are active , join the guild events and there is a pleasant community with each other .

Do you accept new players currently? If so, what typ of player are you looking for? What qualities should he/she bring?

Yes we are looking for new members. Basically everybody is welcome if he/she wants to play and enjoy Neverwinter. We focus on european members but others are of course also welcome.

Describe a typical guild evening!

Since not every evening the same people are online , we have a few set times . It is simply spontaneously asked in the guild chat , who wants to join a dungeon , combat , heroic encounter or anything else and assembled on one or more groups . On perfect guild evenings we make a Draognrun in the fortress , then there do together heroic encounters to gather influence for stronghold and finally we group ourselves for some dungeon runs .

What are your goals in Neverwinter?

Of course we still have smaller targets such as boon-building in strongholds or stuff like this. But as guild we don’t have a “overall” goal. As a wise man once said: The rout is the goal!


Dont miss in next stage: why, why, why – 10 reasons theat speak for the community!