
Aggro = Engaged opponent will attack players, the term also applies to the level of hostility (Threat)
AH  Auction House
AoE = Area of Effect
AS = Ability Scores, basic character statistics in Neverwinter (Strenght, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma)



= Strengthening/weakening of the character or enemy, indicated by the icon with a green/red frame next to health bar of opponen or near your or your teammate's portrait
CC = Crowd Control, effects like Slow, Knockback, chill
DoT = Damage over Time
DPS = Damage per Second
DR = Dragon Run
eCC = Epic Cregmire Crypts
eGWD = Epic Grey Wolf Den
eToS = Epic Temple of Spider
HE = Heroic Encounters
HoT = Healing over Time
HP = Health Points
LFG = Looking for Group
LFM = Looking for Men
Mob = Non-player enemy
NPC = Nun-player Character
PE = Protectors Enclave
PvE = Player versus Enviroment
PvP   Player versus Player