Ability Score

In Neverwinter main statistics (Ability Scores) are not increased by equipment, you can only roll initial values of AS and then add few points while leveling.


There are six Ability Scores and each class benefits from them in different way:


  • Str, Strength
  • Con, Constitution
  • Dex, Dexterity
  • Int, Intelligence
  • Wis, Wisdom
  • Cha, Charisma


Each class have one primary ability and two secondary, remaining 3 won't have much impact on gameplay. When creating new character notice that primary AS will have most points, secondary will also be high but not that much, and remaining AS will be lowest.


On levels 10, 20, 40 and 50 you will get 2 points to distribute among 2 AS of your choice and on levels 30 and 60 you will be awarder with 6 AS , one for each stat.


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