Death, Injury and healing

Your character does not heal itself after the fight (or just little bit with regeneration). To fill the HP fast after an exhausting fight or fall you have to use potions or skills. If you do not have the skills or medicinal, find the campfire and stand in it's area, you will quickly regenerate there. Campfires can be replaced with use of item called Portable Altar. Also whole area of Protectors Enclave works as a campfire.


If you have fallen in battle you will be in Near Death stage for maximum of 15 second. Now you can call for help with Shift+1 or simply die to reappear near closest campfire by pressing Shift+2. There is also an option to use Scrolls of life or Mass Life you can buy for Zen.


After the death you will notice a little silhouette icon under your character portrait, this indicates injury, and the more times you die the injuries are more serious, each causing different negative effects like slower movement caused by leg injury, less HP pool because of chest injury. (as a VIP member you will not have any injury anymore.)

This condition can be removed by using Inury Kits, which have to be used as many times as many injuries you have. When you have some time you can leave your character for short while near (better in) campfire after few minutes injuries should desappear one after another without using any kits.


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